Monday, December 10, 2012

Final Polish formal paper

Latin Women

Dear Latin Women:

What does the word  independent? Independent is defined as sufficient income for comfortable self -support; a competence. For a woman  the word "independence" does  not exist in the Latin culture,so the man becomes a representative for a woman. Aaron H. Devor states that "femininity, according to this traditional formulation would result in warm and continued relationships with men, a sense of maternity, interest in caring for children and the capacity to work productively and continuously in female occupation"(532). The original  Spanish woman's role is based on dependency of family, men and society such as being subjected to house work, raising children and living surrounded in a " protection zone". In the Latin culture women traditionally  get raised under the pressure of staying home taking care of their children and husband , lack of education and accepting any kind of abuse. I believe Latin women should be  allowed to be independent having  options to get an education, to have a job and to decide if she wants to have children or not.

Machismo seems to start at the early age and to be part of the Latin culture. The word "machismo" refers to the assumption that masculinity is superior to femininity. Men in general tend to show toughness to be respected by women and pretending it's all good, Kimmel states "masculinity is a constant test always ups for grabs, always needing to be proved. And the testing starts early"(615). Kimmel argues that masculinity has been proving by hiding a man's emotions otherwise can be perceive as gay. Latin culture does not exclude this idea at all. Male parents begin teaching their sons how a man is supposed to be. For example, parents start teaching their  sons to hide their emotions although there might be a major reason, specially in public because  that's not being a man. The idea of being tough and emotionless leads to the limit in a man to be tyrant towards women. Latin culture follows the idea of man being the main figure of respect and attention so the male figure must be treated as a "king". The man's job is to work to provide necessary assets for his woman and children. Men are not suppose to worry so much in to his woman's  feelings or emotions. On the other hand, men expect from women to be there when they are needed. Masculinity has nothing to do with machismo, but it can lead to the idea of male dominance rejecting  a chance to see women's incorporation into society. The result would be that women can't work nor go to school.

Education becomes a dilemma when one has to choose between a actual housewife or a future professional individual. About ten years ago, I met a nice guy, apparently family oriented, that I would name Daniel. Everything was perfect. He was smart and he had everything that a woman would want: money, a stable job and  he was an  educated man. But his appealing was something else. His personality. He was so personal and confident and I did not care about the rest. I just fell in love as a young woman I was. Of course, I wanted to have a family probably eventually but not at the time nor I wanted to stay at home and cleaning and cooking, so I did not see myself into a housewife. My major dream  to pursue have been going to school, have a job out the house and have a husband  who compromise and respect my wishes.  Daniel's idea was to have a housewife, of course I wanted to please him because love is blind. I found out that he wanted to get engaged as soon as possible after two months of dating him. Meanwhile, we stopped seeing each other, so I would have time to think about it. At first, he promised to me that he would let me work and go to school with the possibility of having children. Meanwhile, he proposed me on the phone to get married with no flexibility at all about my academic goals. I begged him to be flexible about it, but it did not work, so I said no. That was a sad moment for me but the time had healed that pain.

I had the support of my parents and family  to move forward to the future. My dad and family  have been my major support  in all my goals. I grew up with my parents and grandparents in a traditional and non traditional family By the time I learned that my grand mom and mom struggled to have some sort of freedom.They got abuse in every way you could think of. The non traditional part was  that my grand mom had the courage to break an abusive cycle which she had gone through before. Consequently, I  followed that idea and kept it. Since then, I appreciated that my family encouraged me to have choices and being independent. Likewise my dad  was there during my bad decision of dating a guy with different goals, He was there to advice me and guide me to not take in a hurry decision preventing to regretted later.

In Latin culture Domestic violence becomes a normal part of life. The site of California statistics of domestic violence states that " In 2008, 99 women were killed by their husbands, ex-husbands or boyfriends in California and 14 men were killed by their wives, ex-wives or girlfriends. The California law enforcement received 166,343 domestic violence calls in 2008- 65,219 calls involved weapons, which include firearms and knives. Each call is based on information from written incident report" (California statistics of domestic violence). The domestic violence puts down any type of self-esteem in a woman. It must be hard to break a cycle of domestic violence when one has been living in it for years. The dependency on a man becomes psychological when the woman's self-esteem gets damaged by verbal abuse. Eventually she gets used to be mistreated by her partner. In fact, she has not experienced something else besides the bad treatment on a daily basis life. The abuser takes advantage of a verbal abuse to maker believe that she is useless until it becomes a severe situation where she is the only person to help herself.

  Finally, Latin women have more possibilities to choose whether or not they want an education or being a  housewife. However, a Latin women's choices is limited by her culture's narrow way of thinking .Not being able to go further in life without a man's help is compared to be struck by an individual's desires. Education gives a woman an exit to develop her ideas and to be productive to others in society. Women  who want to be independent and but they aren't able for certain reasons, so they must believe in themselves and break  any type of  family binding. It is understandable that some of the Latin  women are always seen to be protected by a male partner and there is nothing wrong with that. But it is important to examine an individual opinions and have them respected by the male gender. Everybody has the right to have choices even though, he/she can be wrong but that's the beauty of being independent.


Nora Heston

 Annotated Bibliographies

Kincaid, J. (1983) Girl. Read reading America: cultural and contexts for critical thinking and writing. 524 (6), 524-526. 
 The author highlights the importance of women's behavior and manners in the family and into society. The author gave   us a sample that states " try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming" It tell us a list what a woman should do. A woman's role is perceived as a prospect of a future husband if the woman is single. A woman must act as a lady and not as a "slut". And if she is married, she must represent the caretaker of the household in a general matter. For example, she must take care of children besides cleaning and cooking. Her duties must be followed as indicated. It also commented an important message to avoid an issue relative to a reputation perhaps by prohibiting certain freedom towards her decisions in matters of her own actions. The idea of being submissive represents the dependency of man and family. I understand that women must be protected by their husbands in certain level in matters of dignifying her reputation but a woman deserves the right to choose her future. If she decided someday to get marry and stay home that's totally fine so it's her decision at the end. All I am saying is a woman's decision is important for her well being.

Morgan, J. (1999) From Fly- Girls To Bitches and Hos. Read reading America: cultural and contexts for critical thinking and writing. 601(5), 601-607.
  The author states that women in general  are being minimized in the music business. African Americans use rap music  as a cover to hide sex and pain. At the same time she mention in a another quote that whenever she listens hip hop music her own brothers (African Americans) call them "bitches and hos" referring to African American women. Morgan loves hip hop music but she disagree when she found in the lyrics an offensive denigration words towards  black women. As a feminist she finds it very disappointing after having a conversation with a woman who was celebrating her thirty anniversary. Then  she told  her that she was single, so the woman felt sorry for her because she doesn't have a man. Joan makes a suggestion how women shouldn't feel less  because of not having a male partner and having a lower self-esteem because of the fact of  being a woman. In the same way Latin women are being minimized by male dominance for not being able to choose what they want to be.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Second Rough Draft

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Independent Women

Dear Independent Women:

Sometimes women in general might think that being independent it is hard now a days for many reasons such as being by ourselves without any type of support from a male partner like moral, mental and spiritual. Sometimes our current single status affect us from being completely happy, and some cases we have carried  a child from our previous relationship. On the other hand, women's independence from male dominance has been criticized by society in the last decades. The original woman's role is based on dependency of family, men and society such being subjected to house work, raising children and living surrounded in a "protection zone". Now a days some women have  being forced to depend on a man's help when they face to hard circumstances because of their lack of opportunities to exercised their valuable rights.

The idea starts in being submissive and avoiding development of their own skills to incorporate into society. According to Aaron H. Devor " Femininity, a traditional formulation  would result and warm and continued relationships with men, a sense of maternity, interest in caring for children and the capacity to work productively and continuously in female occupation" (532).  The word of femininity give us the idea of women being able to work in certain fields for example; housewives, take care of kids and cooking. Women would get more opportunities if they have the courage to success by having the support of family members.  Mary M. Kritz and Douglas. T Gurak states that  " observe fertility levels in India remain high in a society characterized by arranged marriages, dowries, early age of marriage, social segregation of the sexes, limited  spousal communication. They add that by restricting women in physical movement, limiting their education and failing to provide them with social support for birth control use". Women's status ,Education and Family Formation in Sub- Sahara Africa.

The choice to become independent to break free from a male dominance for a long time  and the decision to get education in order to incorporate myself into society. About ten years ago, I met my first love that i would named Daniel, everything was perfect. He was a nice guy he was smart and he had everything that a woman would wanted and he also had a stable job so he made a lot of money. But I did not care about his money at all I just wanted to be independent from having children or cleaning and having a job for myself. That was a major wish that I wanted to make come true. His idea was to have a housewife, of course I wanted to please him, but i wasn't sure about having kids at the time I was so young. My dad talked to me over and over to think about if I was sure to have kids. At first he told me that it was fine if I work and go to school, but I should have kids, so I thought that it was OK. A couple months later, he changed his mind about letting me work. He decided that it would be better to stay at the house, but I could still go to school.

By the time, my dad talked to me again and of course I did not want to listen. He was warning me about him that a normal man act a different way like giving some freedom of choice but he acted differently like overpowering. His family also was included Daniel got influenced by his family. His family got desperate in him having a family and a housewife even though he wasn't the only child. They pushed him to the limit that he asked me on the phone if I would accept to marrying him because he was going to buy an engagement ring the next day. At this time had been passed a month in a half after he asked my dad if I could date him. He made the proposal on the phone and I asked him to wait a little bit more, but he said to me" take it or leave it". My heart was broken but I decided to leave it, because I got raised surrounded by " macho male dominance" and I wanted to break a dependency cycle off. Now I feel proud of myself that I do not depend on a man for anything. The only man I have depended on was my father.

Now a days many women might depend on a male figure under terrible circumstances like domestic violence. According to recent statistics, "In 2008, 99 women were killed by their husbands, ex-husbands or boyfriends in California and 14 men were killed by their wives, ex-wives or girlfriends. California law enforcement received 166,343 domestic violence calls in 2008 - 65,219 calls involved weapons, which include firearms and knives. Each call is based on information from a written incident report". The importance of being independent result in benefits for those women who made feel worthless under such terrible circumstances. For single moms  whom are already independent feel comfortable with yourselves in fact, take advantage of opportunities like experiencing being a father and a mother at the same time. It can't be easy sometimes but you will be awarded later in life from your children.

 Women  must believe in themselves to succeed under many obstacles. In occasions, is not easy to be independent, for women are always seen that they need to be protected. It is necessary to value your skills, qualities and capacity to be incorporated into our society. It is understandable that some of the women wants to live depending on a male figure and there is nothing wrong with that. Everybody has the right to choose what is convenience for ourselves, and what do we want. Just remember make yourself valuable specially in  situations where women are mistreated by not having education. Women are beautiful, fragile,intelligent and valuable. 

Thank you

Nora Heston

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Annotated Bibliography formal paper #2

Jamaica Kincaid, " Girl". Read reading America: cultural and contexts for critical thinking and writing. Eight Edition.The New Yorker. Web.1983.

 In this lecture it refers to a woman's role that is  based on manners and a daily schedule at home in what a woman should be doing. It mentions an important message to avoid an issue relative to a reputation perhaps. And women would become a slut if they avoid following any of these rules of acting and doing. It emphasizes women's role according to decades ago, and to avoid becoming a "slut" if  certain rules are not followed. It reflects women's dependency of men or family in matter of control. It is understandable that women need protection in some circumstances and family wants to protect them like a support but it seems to be a lot of control over a  human being just because  of what people might think.

 Joan Morgan, " From Fly - Girls to Bitches and Hos". Read reading America: cultural and contexts for critical thinking and writing. Eight Edition.The New Yorker Times. Print. 1999.

 Morgan, states that African Americans use rap music  as a cover to hide sex and pain. At the same time she mention in a another quote that whenever she listens hip hop music her own brothers (African Americans) call them "bitches and hos" referring to African American women. Morgan loves hip hop music but she disagree when she found in the lyrics an offensive denigration words towards  black women. As a feminist she finds it very disappointing after having a conversation with a woman who was celebrating her thirty anniversary. Then  she told  her that she was single, so the woman felt sorry for her because she doesn't have a man. Joan makes a suggestion how women shouldn't feel less  because of not having a male partner and having a lower self-esteem because of the fact of  being a woman.

Michael Kimmel, " The guy code". Read reading America: cultural and contexts for critical thinking and writing. University of New York. Eight Edition.

In this article Kimmel, explains masculinity requires to be strong, conservative, and emotionless. He makes an interesting quote " Masculinity is a constant test always ups for grabs, always needing to be proved and the testing starts early". Kimmel  mentions society, cultures and  backgrounds  might be  the reason for men to be as are expected to be seen as strong and invincible. Psychologists  have  researched that boys tend to depress easily more that girls so in consequence men are four times disturbed that women. These consequences  might be the result of suppressing emotions. It seems like they have follow certain rules in what to share or not share emotionally. It's like a code that it is prohibited to show how you feel. Which is not surprising in this type of society. Besides what we think we might consider what is best for ourselves.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Proposal #2

Title: "Bros before Hos": The guy code.
Author: Michael Kimmel
Date: 2008
Topic: The ideology of men being a "man".
Analysis of Argument

Exigence: To face up the oppression of  the ideas of society in matter of manhood.
Intended Audience: The pros and cons of " the guy code".
Purpose: To improve everybody's judgments to develop a new set of rules.
Claim: The suppression to become a man according to the ideas of society.

Main Evidence:

   The sociologist  Michael Kimmel states that "Masculinity is a constant test always up for grabs, always needed to be proved. And the testing starts early" (615). Another statement was made by Eminem (rap singer) who repeatedly used the word "faggot" in his lyrics. During he was interviewed he said " faggot doesn't necessarily mean gay people. Faggot to me just means taking away your manhood". It exist several people with the same way of thinking. Masculinity means to be though and hide their emotions. Consequently, men are more susceptible to get depressed, get out of control and men are diagnosed as emotionally disturbed according to  Michael Thomson, Dan Kindlon (616).

Rhetorical Analysis:

Writer's Strategy 1: He made a convincing analysis proving through a study of  psychological development that boys tend to get emotionally depressed more often than girls.
Writer's Strategy 2: Cause and effect.
Writer's Strategy 3: Kimmel  also based his searching to others writers' studies.
Reader Effect # 1: Accurate information.
Reader Effect # 2: Individualized our ideas help to have an open view towards society's problems.
Reader Effect # 3: I have had a different  opinion towards  masculinity, so  it is being prove by Kimmel's article, and his professional analysis.

    Kimmel's article described a powerful analysis of  "masculinity". He showed how dangerous it is to be as society wants us to be. According to society men should not show their emotions because it means  not being a man but being gay. Michael analyzed the terrible consequences it brings just because society doesn't agree with. It is really sad when people think that way, first at all everybody has feelings, and it is impossible not to get affected by suppressing them. Secondly, our backgrounds affect us in some point in our lives, but we can change that if we want to be emotionally stable. And third, It is pretty brave to show emotions in this society, because it shows that we are humans and not a puppet that society can do wherever they want with us. I understand that not everybody will agree with this but I don't care that's my personal opinion. I just want people to be healthy and happy. It all depends of our points of views differ to one another. To be man doesn't mean to be arrogant, flashy  or tougher but it means to be easy to approach, nice and responsible. That;s a man. Taking responsibility of his own actions, that's a man. But again this is my personal response.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Title: Girl

Author: Jamaica Kincaid

Date: 1983

Analysis Of Argument

Exigence: The lack of opportunities to develop  in society as a person and not only  as a woman. Who is capable to be productive in  the "man's world".

Intended Audience: To change the original women's role in order to create and  extent a new "women's role" to produce for society.

Purpose: To create a variety of ideas in society and equalize women's rights as men.

Claim: Women have being minimized in the last  decades for a simple fact of being women. Men have had the believe that women belong to the kitchen and they are good just to follow rules.

Main Evidence

   Jamaica Kincaid highlights women's struggles to be accepted  as part of society as men in matter of behavior and manners. According to Kincaid a woman was seeing as somebody who had to obey by following a daily schedule and behave certain way as a woman that's the way it is suppose to be. In the reading shows a dialogue between a mother and a daughter about a certain schedule that the daughter had to follow everyday. This article was published in 1983 by the New Yorker. (525). Kincaid describes  how her daily routine was by writing a schedule that she had to do so she doesn't show her feelings towards a mandatory duties and behavior that men had not to worry about. I couldn't tell if she disagree or not of what her mom's idea was towards women.

   My response to Kincaid's writing has to do a little bit based on my back ground. My grand mom and mom (R.I.P)  suffered so much because of men my dad and grandfather. My mom observed how my grandfather mistreated my grand mom beats, verbal abuse  and I observed how my dad mistreated my mom same scenario, so it affected me so much that every time I have to talk about this I hate men. Both of them did not have the right tools to face that, because my grand mom barely went to school and mom did not take the opportunity to study further high school so that did not help them out. Fortunately, My mom and grand mom thought me how to be independent by going to school, work and not depending on men and all except for my father. Fortunately,  My father supported me, so I followed what they thought me and I broke a generation of mistreatment like an unhealthy  cycle. Now, I am happily married to a wonderful man that support my ideas and he had never hit me or abuse me verbally. Women have the power to change how they want to live and who they want to live with so all depends on how much believe in ourselves. That   gave me the power to became who I am now. I am so proud of myself that I want everybody to live  the way I  live free of mistreatment and minimization. I agreed that women should behave certain way but without dictatorship or excluding man of responsibilities of the house. I would say that men and women should work together like a team, free of preferences because of gender. The best chefs are men so I don't see why women are the ones always cooking at home, so I think that men and women deserve the same treatment.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Title: From fly-girls to Bitches and Hos

Author: Joan Morgan

Date: 1999

Topic: The right to  be dignified as women  from our own culture's ideas.

Analysis of Argument

Exigence: The man's power through music represents an idea to evaluate a woman's role such as a sexual object.

Intended Audience:  To eliminate the idea of being  just women and to be able to value themselves as a  human been and not tolerating to be a sexual target.

Purpose: To show that women's sexuality has been used to denigrated their identity and it has  nothing to do with their roles. As human been, They deserve to be treated equal as men without taking advantages.

Claim: take a determination to change peoples' ideas in order to dignified women's identity and admitting that women are a big part of society.

Main Evidence

    Now a days we live in a society that  music is an important way to express our toughs or emotions. According to the Author Joan Morgan hip hop music can reflect that men use it to treat women  as "bitches and hos" and " this is crystal clear to me when I am listening to hip hop. yeah sistas are hurt when we hear brothers calling us bitches and hos" (604). these words it  denigrate them for a simple fact as being a woman. The treatment form that music used it can be  based on what exactly  men see women in general. On the other hand, men don't have a challenge to make their rights valid as  women do. This kind of " machismo" or dominance it  can be unintentional or intentional, moreover women have  to self respect letting their rights as human beings make them valid.

Rhetorical Analysis:

Writer's strategy 1: To involve women in a common ground.

Writer's strategy 2:It describe the actions and consequences with this kind of  state of mind.

Writer's strategy 3 it includes some proof relative to what she is talking about.

Reader Effect #1 Joan Morgan highlight her main idea about women means more than " beats or booty shaking"
Reader Effect #2 Logos is being used in describing how black women are victims of black men by killing other black males and leaving  women leading their households.
 Reader Effect #3 Effective approaches are found in the reading such as proof of U.S census a decreasing of two parent household from 74 percent to 48 percent since 1960.

Response :  My response to this reading is that everyone should be treated equal men, women and children but unfortunately cultures shape  the way we think. Our backgrounds differs to one another. In other cultures  women still are getting kill because they disrespect  their man. Sometimes thinking independently and not following our culture is a better decision that we can make. As people we should not tolerate being verbal abuse, sexual abuse or psychical abuse so  women are people and they should be treated as a human being.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Reader Response #2

      Women's role has been seeing as a housewife and mother of her children for decades. During the depression times in 1920s, they had no opportunities to get a job, or to go to school for they have been considered less capable to do that. Now, it seems that it is still happening. According to Kilbourne Today's  advertising industry shows men'  power over women, and it also  shows women being "objectified" for their bodies as being used as attraction to sell what they are advertising. The "unequal" powers between men and women are based on culture, physical  strength and Independence which means a woman can't walk alone on the streets wearing provocative clothing without being attack by a rapist or assuming she is a prostitute.

     Women's ads it shows  how they  are being treated  in real life as care taker at home and  as  commercial item . As Kilbourne mentioned that "ads affected us in damaging way"  which means that women are being used for their bodies potentially attract those sales, and have less respect than men. Women own a beautiful body; it doesn't matter if we are thick, skinny or though. We are still beautiful, then we exploit our beauty without noticing that people our taking advantages of. The ads make a point of reality of supporting  the idea that men have the power over women , and they can do wherever they want.

    Men own the respect already than women have to gain the respect. Men hasn't being affected by an ad, instead it is charming to see a guy with the shirt off. however for women it can be seen as pornography. An example; men always got  respect without being married or being with a woman, but women have to gain that  respect by others, so  we have to be married to gain respect otherwise women are seeing as "sluts" like
an abandoned object . On the other hand,men are allow to have sexual  fantasies and they are not blame for it in fact they allow themselves to have the freedom as a person to walk on the streets alone  without worrying about having his car keys ready  like a woman.

    The idea of society how women should be seen as if  they need to be protected for having less strength   People sees women as less chance of having a physical  job and not being capable to work. For example, construction companies has the potential of  hiring a man than a woman for obvious reasons; women are not strong enough. According to Kilbourne " domestic violence is a leading cause of female injury in almost every country in the world" (585). Men take advantage of women being less stronger, moreover they hit them by showing they have power. I think there are ways to defend our selves and teach them to respect us in one way or another.

    Finally, I believe that women have progress during all this time. Women work and take care of the house at the same time as a guy can do it as well. It is true women are different than men in certain areas like strength or roughness, but women are capable to be seeing as a human being not as a sexual  object.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Final Draft Prop 30

The California public school system has been struggling economically since 2011. The legislature passed a law transferring programs about $6 billion of the state tax revenues to local governments annually. Moreover, one of these programs and responsibilities were incarcerating certain adult offenders, supervising paroles and providing substance abuse treatment services. For the state of California became affected by larger budget cuts for the last two years. However, prop 30 will increases sales tax rate by one quarter cent for every dollar for four years, and it will be a personal income tax increase on annual earnings over $250,000 for seven years to stop another $6 billion in cuts to our schools this year. And prevent steep tuition hikes for college students and their families. Proposition 30 has proposed a lot of possibilities to change financially our school public system, for our existing decadent economic situation.
            The benefits of prop 30 have been accurate and realistic during the time of proposing. According to L.A  Times, “ Guarantees funding will be provided  for public safety services realigned from state to local governments” This means that the  money will go towards safety, and  will rebuild  our economy situation, moreover, the temporary tax revenues are 89% to k-12 and 11% will go to community colleges. These benefits can’t be turn down, or we will bite to the dust. It’s like taking no chance towards the future and no opportunities for students and new programs.
             The opponents argue about prop 30 not being the right solution to avoid budget cuts and provide what prop 30 promises. The site  Htt p:// article says that  "Jerry Brown strike fear in voter’s heart by threatening people that it will be more budget cuts if prop 30 doesn’t pass, and it is crucial for everybody to have that prop 30 pass". Politicians have been waiting for prop 30 to pass, and can probably be an excellent chance to persuade us to believe what they want us to believe. According to SF Gate is a “shell game by politicians” which means that Instead, under Prop. 30, politicians can take existing money for schools, and use it for other programs and then replace that money with the new taxes. It also can mean that it doesn't guarantee new funding for schools.
            Proposition 30 seems to be the better solution to get financial situation for schools and public safety. The site of the says "Proposition 30, is clearly the better choice because of  a brief period of time, proffering the chances economically  for  the limited effect of  lower- and middle-class Californians". But Proposition 30 also contains a provision vitally important to the state: a state Constitution guarantee of local public safety funding for costs stemming from prison realignment. Proposition 30 is determinate to stop this financial bleed by increasing state income taxes on the wealthiest Californians, but couples making less than $500,000 per year will pay no additional state income tax. It also would increase state sales taxes on all Californians. Definitely, Prop 30 seems to be the better choice for everybody. I can’t see another solution, besides prop 30. On another hand, Proposition38 can’t be a better choice than prop 30, because supporters say," it's Proposition 38, a $10 billion annual tax bite that will increase state income taxes on a sliding scale for twelve years". For example, if you earn as little as $17,346 a year, your state income taxes will go up. Also the proposition 38  will withhold funds to further to support the financial means in future education for our next generation, but again there is nothing to keep lawmakers from simply shifting money now spent on schools to other programs once the new revenue stream starts flowing.
            My financial experience in community college has change since 2003. In 2003 I started attending Cabrillo College. At the time every unit cost around $15 or $17 dollars and books were way cheaper compare to today’s prices. The cost of transportation was a dollar or less. I remember I could get register easily two weeks before classes started, or I usually got a spot on the wait list and got register easily. And now, I have seen students walked out the door when they get register a week before classes started, or they weren’t register on the main roaster. I have paid the price for expensive classes, books and units, and I have seen prices of school programs going up because of budget cuts. It is depressing how education system collapsed in a financial way. Now, is urgent more than ever to support proposition 30.
            In conclusion , our school public system has been in a decadent financial situation  for the last two years, and we need a solution to face it up. Prop 30 offers increasing taxes by ¼ cent for four years. It means we will get back those $6 billion dollars that it went to programs to help trouble people. Since the legislature passed a law for programs such as abuse treatment and incarcerating, Therefore I have experienced the rising cost within in our school system,so it  is starting to unable students to afford to go to college. Instead if pro 30 doesn't pass eventually our future generation won't have a choice besides working for minimum wage jobs.





Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rough Draft

Taxes have been a debated issue between people for and people against prop 30 since September 2012. According to L.A times increasing personal income taxes annual to $25,000 per person who makes that much will be increased to one quarter cent for every dollar for four years. The benefits would be towards education; 89% to k-12 schools and 11% to community colleges and including Cal fire, police. However, people against prop 30 this money would be towards politicians and their satisfaction. It also will kill jobs, destroy businesses, it doesn’t guarantee any new funding for schools and includes no reform. What are the chances to prove if prop 30 is a real solution for us as students and for others making less money than anybody else? Or we can think of prop 30 a hope to embrace for everybody.
            The change made by the state of California that it blew out the finances in 2011.  The pay for these new obligations, the Legislature passed a law transferring about $6 billion of state tax revenues to local governments annually. These programs and responsibilities include incarcerating certain adult offenders, supervising parolees, and providing substance abuse treatment services. To pay for these new obligations, it hit us directly to our pockets because we had to pay for trouble people in jail instead they should came up with their money. It is understandable to make programs for people they want to change their way of thinking and succeed. It wouldn’t be any problem, but people that they don’t want to change it wouldn’t be such a program. It can be count as a waste of money for some people.
              The financial situation has been through changes during times in California State until today. The checks for retirement are smaller than twenty years ago, and also the state pays less per students than before. In 2000 schools I recall attending to adult school to learn English, and taking the bus. At the time transportation and classes were free, so our teachers always emphasized to students like me a “foreigner” coming from another country to attend to class and take advantages of what the schools offered to us. I am glad I did, but I feel sorry for others that they didn’t. Now adult schools charges at least twenty to thirty dollars for semester not including supplies like paper, glue, pencils. Now whoever wants to attend adult school they have to pay? In 2003 I started attending Cabrillo College. At the time every unit cost fifteen or seventeen dollars, and the bus cost a dollar or less. I remember that I could get register two weeks before classes started or I got a spot in the waiting list but I still could get register. Those were memorable times for me.
The surrounding of a “shell game by politicians” threatening big cuts to schools if prop 30 does not pass. According to SF Gate, Jerry Brown strike fear in voters heart by threatening people that it will be more budget cuts if   prop 30 doesn’t pass, and it is crucial for everybody to make that happened. Politicians has being waiting for prop 30 to pass, and it can probably  be an excellent chance to persuade us to believe what they want us to believe. Should we vote for prop 30, or we shouldn’t? It is up to us to decide what’s better
for us

           At the end, it would be a great solution for our financial situation to get students opportunities and other people if prop 30 result the real deal. But it would be devastating if our money ended up in politician’s pockets, instead of education, safety and more programs beneficial to students. On the other hand we will get the $6 million invested in transferred programs back.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


The Pros and Cons of Proposition 30

Taxes have been changing drastically during history times until now, and we all see the results of that. Meanwhile our  future is uncertain, many people are worried about passing and others worried about not passing prop 30. By searching the statistics on line we believe according what the results are  about it. According to newspapers, TV,radio have different versions of prop 30 it shows that it affects us, but on the other hand it might  help us financially. how can we know what's the true?

Logos: Thinking logically based on live proves on what prop 30 will do for us. Prop. 30 is a critical step in addressing the continual budget shortfalls that plague California  Money raised by this initiative will help meet the Proposition. Money raised by this initiative will help meet the Proposition 98 guarantee for our schools, and raise additional money to be used only for schools. Prop. 30 directly funds our schools, preventing more cuts. The only way to stop $6 billion in devastating cuts this year is if prop 30 passes. The people who are gins it and proves by statistics let say;
Prop 30, a flawed initiative:
  • Raises sales and income taxes on ALL Californians as much as $50 billion dollars over the next seven years
  • Doesn’t guarantee ANY new funding for schools
  • Destroys small business and kills jobs
  • Includes NO reform
  Pathos: If we think  about for a minute; what exactly powerful people in society do for us?. we might believe in those  people all the time, and we don't think what do they do for us? do they think about us? do they want the best for us?. Maybe yes maybe not, but analyzing all these questions to ourselves it is beneficial because we might find the way to resolve this problem. I see people in higher position like me in the way that i might promise something now, and i might forget about it later, i see them like humans. Humans are greedy, selfish, self centered and egocentric. we might think we are the best, and these descriptions fits normal people probably like me, or somebody else. In other hand, we are not all bad we might have the best intentions in the world to help the population speaking in terms of higher people; but we probably do not have the best ideas to do it. Although, it will be excellent if  they think about us not because of money but looking a real solution.

Ethos: I am just a simple person that i like to help others that kind of quality  i would like to find in others; specially in  higher authorities. It would be really exciting to see an important person to share advantages what he/she has to others for example; a fair package of benefits for everyone, classes increased for students covering everyone's needs rich or poor it doesn't matter. the main point is that everyone can be satisfied in every way.

I am really connected with this issue. I came to U.S  from Central America about eleven years ago, and i remember how easy it was going to learn English for free. During all this time i have been experiencing changes like; new students have to pay at least more that twenty dollars to learn English. The bus prices were about a dollar and now more than one dollar and fifty cents, so it is a huge change for everyone. After Sept 11 it is being worse and worse because people think in themselves, but they don't care about others and their consequences.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliographies
(source:; see

Warren Buffett states and  attempted to call attention to the iniquities and inequities of Proposition 13 during the gubernatorial race of 2003, but in the long term he kept silence for he got ordered to do it. One would think that with a home ownership rate of only slightly over 50%, this terribly unjust structure would be politically vulnerable, especially in view of the evils it has produced. At the end he did not have the courage to confront these people and make this statement valuable.


Tom Ammiano, who represents San Francisco in the State Assembly, is bravely venturing where few politicians dare. He advocates revamping Proposition 13, the sacrosanct measure that has essentially frozen many properties  bills at 1976 levels For the past two legislative sessions, Mr. Ammiano has sought to close what he and many others see as a loophole in Proposition 13’s treatment of commercial property. Even if an owner sells his entire interest in a piece of commercial real estate, the property is not reassessed if no single entity acquires more than a half-ownership stake. It is easy for corporations to structure deals to avoid a tax increase Mr. Costa states ;
“Prop 13 is a tragedy which has made things in California worse every year since it was passed,” Mr. Costa wrote in an e-mail. “The people of California have to settle for inferior schools, libraries, transit, roads, sewers, parks and other services. I don’t object as much to my personal tax bill, as I do the obscene discrepancy between the great wealth of this state and the relative poverty of our government and public institutions.”
Even Mr. Ammiano agrees that it is unfair that he pays one-sixteenth the property tax of Mr. Costa. “My feeling is, there’s a need for reform, absolutely,” he said.


Prior to Proposition 13, property taxes were out of control. People were losing their homes because they could not pay their property taxes, yet government did nothing to help them.
In the finest tradition of the Boston Tea Party, California taxpayers stood up and said "No more!" to excessive taxes.
The Proposition 13 Revolution swept the country and made headlines around the world. It began a change in thinking about the tax burden property owners had to bear. Proposition 13 also started a revolution in the people turning to the initiative process to gain greater control over their lives “Prop 13 is a tragedy which has made things in California worse every year since it was passed,” Mr. Costa wrote in an e-mail. “The people of California have to settle for inferior schools, libraries, transit, roads, sewers, parks and other services. I don’t object as much to my personal tax bill, as I do the obscene discrepancy between the great wealth of this state and the relative poverty of our government and public institutions.”
Even Mr. Ammiano agrees that it is unfair that he pays one-sixteenth the property tax of Mr. Costa. “My feeling is, there’s a need for reform, absolutely,” he said.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


As humans we experience changes during times depends on where do we live, where were we born and how we adjust to a new way of thinking. Cultures have the same power to adjust  people's views and  when we are living in a different culture it is powerful to learn about it, but not changing our own culture. As I read the article  the power of cultural myths made me go back to the past, and how cultures affects you the way of thinking of each person, and how each culture is relative to each other.

Cultures shape the way we think as a myth. The outsiders (people that do not live in U.S) have a way different view about the American dream of course referring about having more opportunities in getting a job and going to school. But they might not think that over here there is a lot more responsibilities than our native country has. They live in a myth, for they do not know how hard it is to live here. When we hear about American dream we think "oh.. it will be easy to live there and get a job". That's what i thought before, but it is not true; there is a lot of involved  to survived in another land. First at all, The language we must learn English in order to get a job; of course there are jobs that you do not need that. For example; picking strawberries on the fields, or having your own business like a family business. Secondly, the culture how do we know if we did offend somebody without knowing, because we have a different way to approach people. For example; Spanish people are loud, and we are family oriented like collectivism.

 Changing our way of thinking by accepting others' views. Sometimes people are afraid to open their mind up to see others' views. I totally agreed with this article by accepting others' cultures we relate to each other, in other words we learn from each other, for example; sharing our customs,values, ideas and beliefs.

In conclusion, we are all part of a culture and it is wonderful  to share our background to others and show our cultural values.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Proposition 30

Often times we believe in certain solutions that it might work out for certain problems; specially to society when people had to give their opinion about it. There might be a group against it, and there is another one in favor to this decisions. The preposition 30 it means sales in income tax increased; our governor Jerry Brown proposed this resolution to avoid state cuts in general including schools, budgets, etc. According to Santa Cruz sentinel  he wants to make the financial situation  better for the state of California. Then he mentioned some of his plans to fix this problem, and some of his intentions to fix the budget cuts.

The California Governor mention one of  the reasons he wants to pass "proposition 30", and people who supporting it ."There is the possibility that at my age I'm not trying to pull a trick on somebody," Brown said. "At some point, we gotta take people at their word. I ran for governor to see if I couldn't fix the state, make things better. Everything is not just dominated by 'Oh, we have this proposition.'" As we see he said "there is the possibility" so there is nothing for sure that proposition 30 will work to avoid the budget cuts. Some people might support his ideas like Max Neiman, resident senior scholar at UC Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies, said Brown has cemented his reputation as someone who thinks big and delivers.

On the other  hand people who are against this idea of passing proposition 30. The UC Santa Cruz emphasized that it raises taxes on all Californians not just the wealthy people, and it also would harm small businesses. sometimes we have no idea how hard it is to decide over something really serious; such as the future of our taxpayers not excluding ourselves. It is important to ask ourselves certain questions such as is it really true it that will work for us? where exactly will our money go after making a decision?  how it will affect us as taxpayers? and so on. Unfortunately we don't make those decisions over our own money; the government has the last word in what they need to use  our money on.

At the end we are just citizens following rules as  citizens. Some citizens might agree to proposition 30, and some might disagree to proposition30 but we can look for our benefits what  it can be the right solution to avoid cutting schools budgets neither other budgets. the solution should  be the value we give to education, and the interest from our government in improving our people to represent our country with the best and higher education. For example; we as students should be thankful to have this opportunity that we go  to college, because others don't have that opportunity. And the government shouldn't care for just the money but for their students going to school.The future of the country depends on people who really take advantage of these minimum opportunity to succeed.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Para Teresa

I found this reading very fascinating. My first impression was shocking when i noticed some of the writing in my native language, Spanish. As i kept reading this poem i found that the person who wrote this poem was a bilingual reflecting two languages or cultures. The speaker found the way to show that is not that easy to let go your own language or emotions by expressing it with your own feelings as well. An old conflict with her sister long ago made a motive to do that, i believe it was remarkable for both of them and family. she  expressed herself  in two different languages what she really felt in her own words. I believe when people need  to express deep emotions sometime they feel more comfortable to express it with your own language to make it more real and make the rest of us to feel that emotion.

Another reason why "para Teresa" was written in both languages; it could be to extend her story to others than just people who share same language or culture. And share that conflict switch into a poem for everybody to analyze their way of thinking. Ines Hernandez may have those reasons in which she made an important decision to write her poem in English and Spanish.

At the end, people have different thinking and feelings and they also have several ways to express themselves in a comfortable way, specially when it refers to feelings and emotions.