Sunday, September 30, 2012


The Pros and Cons of Proposition 30

Taxes have been changing drastically during history times until now, and we all see the results of that. Meanwhile our  future is uncertain, many people are worried about passing and others worried about not passing prop 30. By searching the statistics on line we believe according what the results are  about it. According to newspapers, TV,radio have different versions of prop 30 it shows that it affects us, but on the other hand it might  help us financially. how can we know what's the true?

Logos: Thinking logically based on live proves on what prop 30 will do for us. Prop. 30 is a critical step in addressing the continual budget shortfalls that plague California  Money raised by this initiative will help meet the Proposition. Money raised by this initiative will help meet the Proposition 98 guarantee for our schools, and raise additional money to be used only for schools. Prop. 30 directly funds our schools, preventing more cuts. The only way to stop $6 billion in devastating cuts this year is if prop 30 passes. The people who are gins it and proves by statistics let say;
Prop 30, a flawed initiative:
  • Raises sales and income taxes on ALL Californians as much as $50 billion dollars over the next seven years
  • Doesn’t guarantee ANY new funding for schools
  • Destroys small business and kills jobs
  • Includes NO reform
  Pathos: If we think  about for a minute; what exactly powerful people in society do for us?. we might believe in those  people all the time, and we don't think what do they do for us? do they think about us? do they want the best for us?. Maybe yes maybe not, but analyzing all these questions to ourselves it is beneficial because we might find the way to resolve this problem. I see people in higher position like me in the way that i might promise something now, and i might forget about it later, i see them like humans. Humans are greedy, selfish, self centered and egocentric. we might think we are the best, and these descriptions fits normal people probably like me, or somebody else. In other hand, we are not all bad we might have the best intentions in the world to help the population speaking in terms of higher people; but we probably do not have the best ideas to do it. Although, it will be excellent if  they think about us not because of money but looking a real solution.

Ethos: I am just a simple person that i like to help others that kind of quality  i would like to find in others; specially in  higher authorities. It would be really exciting to see an important person to share advantages what he/she has to others for example; a fair package of benefits for everyone, classes increased for students covering everyone's needs rich or poor it doesn't matter. the main point is that everyone can be satisfied in every way.

I am really connected with this issue. I came to U.S  from Central America about eleven years ago, and i remember how easy it was going to learn English for free. During all this time i have been experiencing changes like; new students have to pay at least more that twenty dollars to learn English. The bus prices were about a dollar and now more than one dollar and fifty cents, so it is a huge change for everyone. After Sept 11 it is being worse and worse because people think in themselves, but they don't care about others and their consequences.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliographies
(source:; see

Warren Buffett states and  attempted to call attention to the iniquities and inequities of Proposition 13 during the gubernatorial race of 2003, but in the long term he kept silence for he got ordered to do it. One would think that with a home ownership rate of only slightly over 50%, this terribly unjust structure would be politically vulnerable, especially in view of the evils it has produced. At the end he did not have the courage to confront these people and make this statement valuable.


Tom Ammiano, who represents San Francisco in the State Assembly, is bravely venturing where few politicians dare. He advocates revamping Proposition 13, the sacrosanct measure that has essentially frozen many properties  bills at 1976 levels For the past two legislative sessions, Mr. Ammiano has sought to close what he and many others see as a loophole in Proposition 13’s treatment of commercial property. Even if an owner sells his entire interest in a piece of commercial real estate, the property is not reassessed if no single entity acquires more than a half-ownership stake. It is easy for corporations to structure deals to avoid a tax increase Mr. Costa states ;
“Prop 13 is a tragedy which has made things in California worse every year since it was passed,” Mr. Costa wrote in an e-mail. “The people of California have to settle for inferior schools, libraries, transit, roads, sewers, parks and other services. I don’t object as much to my personal tax bill, as I do the obscene discrepancy between the great wealth of this state and the relative poverty of our government and public institutions.”
Even Mr. Ammiano agrees that it is unfair that he pays one-sixteenth the property tax of Mr. Costa. “My feeling is, there’s a need for reform, absolutely,” he said.


Prior to Proposition 13, property taxes were out of control. People were losing their homes because they could not pay their property taxes, yet government did nothing to help them.
In the finest tradition of the Boston Tea Party, California taxpayers stood up and said "No more!" to excessive taxes.
The Proposition 13 Revolution swept the country and made headlines around the world. It began a change in thinking about the tax burden property owners had to bear. Proposition 13 also started a revolution in the people turning to the initiative process to gain greater control over their lives “Prop 13 is a tragedy which has made things in California worse every year since it was passed,” Mr. Costa wrote in an e-mail. “The people of California have to settle for inferior schools, libraries, transit, roads, sewers, parks and other services. I don’t object as much to my personal tax bill, as I do the obscene discrepancy between the great wealth of this state and the relative poverty of our government and public institutions.”
Even Mr. Ammiano agrees that it is unfair that he pays one-sixteenth the property tax of Mr. Costa. “My feeling is, there’s a need for reform, absolutely,” he said.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


As humans we experience changes during times depends on where do we live, where were we born and how we adjust to a new way of thinking. Cultures have the same power to adjust  people's views and  when we are living in a different culture it is powerful to learn about it, but not changing our own culture. As I read the article  the power of cultural myths made me go back to the past, and how cultures affects you the way of thinking of each person, and how each culture is relative to each other.

Cultures shape the way we think as a myth. The outsiders (people that do not live in U.S) have a way different view about the American dream of course referring about having more opportunities in getting a job and going to school. But they might not think that over here there is a lot more responsibilities than our native country has. They live in a myth, for they do not know how hard it is to live here. When we hear about American dream we think "oh.. it will be easy to live there and get a job". That's what i thought before, but it is not true; there is a lot of involved  to survived in another land. First at all, The language we must learn English in order to get a job; of course there are jobs that you do not need that. For example; picking strawberries on the fields, or having your own business like a family business. Secondly, the culture how do we know if we did offend somebody without knowing, because we have a different way to approach people. For example; Spanish people are loud, and we are family oriented like collectivism.

 Changing our way of thinking by accepting others' views. Sometimes people are afraid to open their mind up to see others' views. I totally agreed with this article by accepting others' cultures we relate to each other, in other words we learn from each other, for example; sharing our customs,values, ideas and beliefs.

In conclusion, we are all part of a culture and it is wonderful  to share our background to others and show our cultural values.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Proposition 30

Often times we believe in certain solutions that it might work out for certain problems; specially to society when people had to give their opinion about it. There might be a group against it, and there is another one in favor to this decisions. The preposition 30 it means sales in income tax increased; our governor Jerry Brown proposed this resolution to avoid state cuts in general including schools, budgets, etc. According to Santa Cruz sentinel  he wants to make the financial situation  better for the state of California. Then he mentioned some of his plans to fix this problem, and some of his intentions to fix the budget cuts.

The California Governor mention one of  the reasons he wants to pass "proposition 30", and people who supporting it ."There is the possibility that at my age I'm not trying to pull a trick on somebody," Brown said. "At some point, we gotta take people at their word. I ran for governor to see if I couldn't fix the state, make things better. Everything is not just dominated by 'Oh, we have this proposition.'" As we see he said "there is the possibility" so there is nothing for sure that proposition 30 will work to avoid the budget cuts. Some people might support his ideas like Max Neiman, resident senior scholar at UC Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies, said Brown has cemented his reputation as someone who thinks big and delivers.

On the other  hand people who are against this idea of passing proposition 30. The UC Santa Cruz emphasized that it raises taxes on all Californians not just the wealthy people, and it also would harm small businesses. sometimes we have no idea how hard it is to decide over something really serious; such as the future of our taxpayers not excluding ourselves. It is important to ask ourselves certain questions such as is it really true it that will work for us? where exactly will our money go after making a decision?  how it will affect us as taxpayers? and so on. Unfortunately we don't make those decisions over our own money; the government has the last word in what they need to use  our money on.

At the end we are just citizens following rules as  citizens. Some citizens might agree to proposition 30, and some might disagree to proposition30 but we can look for our benefits what  it can be the right solution to avoid cutting schools budgets neither other budgets. the solution should  be the value we give to education, and the interest from our government in improving our people to represent our country with the best and higher education. For example; we as students should be thankful to have this opportunity that we go  to college, because others don't have that opportunity. And the government shouldn't care for just the money but for their students going to school.The future of the country depends on people who really take advantage of these minimum opportunity to succeed.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Para Teresa

I found this reading very fascinating. My first impression was shocking when i noticed some of the writing in my native language, Spanish. As i kept reading this poem i found that the person who wrote this poem was a bilingual reflecting two languages or cultures. The speaker found the way to show that is not that easy to let go your own language or emotions by expressing it with your own feelings as well. An old conflict with her sister long ago made a motive to do that, i believe it was remarkable for both of them and family. she  expressed herself  in two different languages what she really felt in her own words. I believe when people need  to express deep emotions sometime they feel more comfortable to express it with your own language to make it more real and make the rest of us to feel that emotion.

Another reason why "para Teresa" was written in both languages; it could be to extend her story to others than just people who share same language or culture. And share that conflict switch into a poem for everybody to analyze their way of thinking. Ines Hernandez may have those reasons in which she made an important decision to write her poem in English and Spanish.

At the end, people have different thinking and feelings and they also have several ways to express themselves in a comfortable way, specially when it refers to feelings and emotions.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I am....

I am  Nora Heston but people always call me Lourdes. I come from a different background and i am really excited to start English 1A. I am a positive person, i have an outgoing personality that's what people say, but i consider myself as an introvert person.